Popular comedian, Bright okpocha, popularly known as Basketmouth, has revealed comedy was not his initial passion as he was more into rapping. The comic declared his...
Following reports of marital disputes, actress Eniola Badmus shared a video of her friend Olakunle Churchill and his wife Rosy Meurer looking happy together. A blogger...
Ini Edo, a Nollywood actress, has finally spoken out after her colleague, Tonto Dikeh called her out on social media for being “stingy.” Ini Edo posted...
May, Yul Edochie’s estranged wife, has said a prayer for comedian Ayo Makun and his wife, Mabel. It is no longer news that Ayo and his...
Tonto Dikeh, a Nollywood actress, appears to have reacted to reports of her ex-husband, Olakunle Churchill, and his wife, Rosy Meurer’s alleged separation. According to reports,...
Ugbekile David Osemeke, better known as Boy Spyce, a Nigerian singer, has revealed the “weirdest” thing he has ever done for love. He admitted to borrowing...
Big Brother Naija All Stars housemates on Monday, saved Frodd from possible eviction this Sunday. The nominees are asked to suggest another housemate who shouldn’t be...