James Chukwueze Obiafor, better known as James Brown, a popular crossdresser, reflects on his early career days. James Brown reflected on his humiliating days by sharing...
James Brown, a well-known Nigerian crossdresser, will have surgery to import a womb. The dramatic Princess of Africow, as he is affectionately referred to, made the...
James Brown, a Nigerian crossdresser, has fired back at fellow crossdresser Bobrisky over their clash at a party in Lagos. The duo alongside socialite Papaya Ex...
Crossdresser James Browm has at last responded to people who have criticized his new appearance. The 23-year-old who has been posting pictures of himself on social...
James Brown, a crossdresser who later repackaged as a man, has expressed interest in getting married to a woman. The 23-year-old gave up wearing women’s clothing...
James Obialor, a controversial crossdresser better known as James Brown, has lashed out at those who have criticised him for his leaked sex video. The video...