The gospel music community is in mourning following the untimely passing of Aduke Ajayi, affectionately known by her stage name, Aduke Gold. Renowned for her soulful...
Gifted and stunning, Bolaji Ogunmola has quickly become one of Nollywood’s reigning stars on YouTube. Through her production company, The Bolaji Ogunmola Company, she has brought...
The Nigerian Government has placed sponsors of the nationwide #EndBadGovernance protests on a watchlist. The Comptroller-General of the Nigerian Immigration Services, NIS, Kemi Nandap, made this...
Celebrities have continued to mourn legendary Nigerian singer and actress, Onyeka Onwenu. Renowned for her melodious voice, prolific songwriting, and impactful acting career, Onwenu was an esteemed...
Popular event management expert, Akinlolu Jekins, has been conferred with a Doctor of Event Management (Honoris Causa) by Myles Leadership University. The award was presented earlier...
Popular rapper Falz has disclosed that he has never professed love to anybody before. Falz made this known in an interview on Menisms Podcast sayinghe has...
From the bustling rap battle arenas of the University of Lagos to the growing Nigerian music scene, Richards Uchechukwu, better known as Wonder H, has steadily...