Aproko Doctor reveals battle with brain tumour

Chinonso Egemba, a medical doctor and social media influencer known as Aproko Doctor, has spoken out about his battle with a brain tumour.
He revealed this in a video released on Monday morning.
He went blind in one eye on December 3 and was diagnosed with a brain tumour two days later, according to him.
“Today I stand here before you to share my story. “It has been a long road to recovery but each day is better than the last.
“The full story of how this brain tumour affected me and my family is up on my YouTube, he wrote in an Instagram post.
Speaking in the video shared on Instagram and YouTube the physician said “For the past three weeks or two weeks, I have been fighting for my life. Some of you have no idea. It happened that I was diagnosed with Craniopharyngioma which is a brain tumour and I had no idea I would be sharing my story.
“Here I am sitting on this seat sharing my own story about how I had a tumour in my brain. It was so bad that I couldn’t read out of my phone anymore to the point where this eye, I couldn’t read with it and it was also closing. They said it is a Craniopharyngioma and we need to do surgery to remove it.”
He also used the video to promote a series called Unclog with Aproko Doctor.
A graduate of the Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Anambra State, Aproko Doctor promotes healthy living on social media.