Afrobeat singer Victor AD recounts healing encounter with TB Joshua

Victor Adere, better known by his stage as Victor AD, is an Afrobeat musician who has written about his healing experience and other interactions with Prophet TB Joshua, the founder of the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN).
The 29-year-old revealed how the late televangelist cured him in an interview with Isaac Moses for a show called my TBJ Moments on Emmanuel TV that aired on Tuesday, November 22.
Recounting his encounter with the prophet and healing from a skin disease, Victor said: “In 1996, my dad brought my family and me to the synagogue and then I had little or no idea where we were but I knew we were in the presence of God. In 2001 I had a skin disease, and I got healed by the prophet. There are so many miraculous things that have happened. The prophet prayed for me, then a few weeks later I was healed.”
Speaking further, the ‘Jowo’ singer continued: “Before I lost my father, there is something he had always done to bring us together no matter what so even while we were in Warri will still come to synagogue and all that so it has been a thing for us. We don’t have anywhere else to run to and at the end of the day, we are still going to run to God. So it has always been in our nature to go to God.”
Victor also noted that aside from himself, some of his family members have had their own TB Joshua moments.
Beginning with his sister’s healing encounter, the singer said: “My whole family has their own TB Joshua moments. I could remember in 1998 my sister got blind in school and she was very okay before she left the house then all of a sudden she can’t see and all we had to do then was just to put a call through to the synagogue and they prayed for her and the next morning she was healed.”
Moving on to his mum’s encounter with the late SCOAN founder, Victor continued: “Same with my mum, my mum got shot a few years ago by armed robbers, I came to the synagogue and I called and the next thing Prophet TB Joshua just said ‘don’t worry she is going to be fine’ and I’m like ‘how is she going to be fine she is in Warri and she can’t move based on the fact that there was COVID then’ and he said ‘take this anointed water and pray for her’. By the grace of God, I did and she was healed. She was supposed to go for an operation but glory be to God she went for a test and the doctor said she was okay.”
Recounting another ordeal, Victor said his mum got kidnapped but was found after an assurance from the prophet.
Joshua died on June 5, 2021, following an Emmanuel TV partner’s meeting, exactly a week before his 58th birthday.