Nothing wrong with Mr Ibu begging for financial support – Kanayo O. Kanayo

Actor Kanayo O. Kanayo has slammed those criticising his colleague John Okafor, popularly known as Mr Ibu, for begging for financial support.
Mr Ibu, who is currently bedridden called on the public for financial support after disclosing that his doctor said his leg might be amputated.
“I have been down for so many weeks, all I’m hoping for is your prayers and assistance. I’ve been in the hospital, as I speak to you, I’m still lying down in the hospital. The medical director says in case his new idea didn’t work, the best idea is to cut off my leg, just see me, if they cut off my leg where will I go to? Please be on prayers for me, talk to God Almighty, I don’t want my leg to be cut off. God bless you,” he said in parts.
Addressing the likes of Reno Omokri and Uche Maduagwu, Kanayo cautioned them against chasing clout with Mr Ibu’s condition.
As actors, our heart goes out to our very dear colleague John Okafor, Mr Ibu. His family has been doing their best since it was reported last year he was sick and now they have come out to say we have done our best we need public support. It’s not in any sense wrong. Would you have felt bad or better if they kept quiet and allowed our colleague die? Onye ka ozuru? Now I condemned in strict terms Reno Omokri who is coming to call Peter Obi’s name and so on.
“It is not a friendly thing, it is wicked and the other guy Uche Maduagwu and so who talked about top actors, shame on top actors, I say shame on you too. Shame on you because you don’t have any value and level to call our names, It is an individual thing to do to support a colleague. It becomes a collectable as Actors Guild of Nigeria who are doing their best within their limited time. Even those who have given can also be appreciated,” the 61-year-old said in parts.